Before I was a mom I didn't realize how important swaddling is to newborns. We got by with the blankets we had, but next time I think I might like to try a true swaddle blanket. Here are a few that I found...I would love your feedback on them or if you have any others you would like to recommend.
Kiddopotamus makes the Swaddle Me blanket. They also make a Luxe version now that is only at Babies R' Us. (It is so soft, but it is warmer too so you would want to be careful to not overheat the baby).
Swaddle Designs has a lot of fun options, but it seems to be more of just a regular blanket that is maybe larger to help with swaddling.
Halo Sleepsack makes a swaddle blanket that seems like a sleepsack on the bottom, but has arms to swaddle.
I am a huge believer in swaddling. In Fact, my baby is still swaddled. I know I will have to send her to swaddler's anonymous when she is 16 but she has to be swaddled to go to sleep... I recommend the book "Happiest Baby on The Block" I am convinced this is the reason my baby has slept through the night from day 1 home from the hospital. I did find that the flannel kiddopotomus worked the best.
Hey Karen! I love your blog! I've been reccommending it to lots of friends of ours who just recently had kids. I have to add the Miracle Blanket to this list - it was the only one that lasted both Marshall and Eliza to 4 months! Also - guess what!!! I won a ZOOBIE from the contest that you mentioned in your blog!! Isn't that so fun?? Tell Lincoln hi for us!
I have used all of those and prefer the Kidop. for sleeping. I also use blankets from http://www.adenandanais.com/. They are amazing. Great blog!
Thanks for all your feedback on swaddling guys. Staci..I cannot believe she still thanks to be swaddled at age 1! I think that is a record..my son was done at 2 months and wanted his space.
Jocelyn, I am so excited you won the Zoobie! Another friend of mine won one too.
Your new blog layout is cute! They just keep getting cuter and cuter! My twins used the kiddopa.... and loved them! They would sleep so good in them! We did it until they couldn't fit in them anymore...and it was perfect because it was winter and I din't have to worry about them suffocating in a big blanket!
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