It works with many blogging platforms – Supports Blogger, LiveJournal.com, TypePad, and WordPress.com blogs.
I searched around for some other companies, but it seems like Blurb is the best!
It works with many blogging platforms – Supports Blogger, LiveJournal.com, TypePad, and WordPress.com blogs.
I searched around for some other companies, but it seems like Blurb is the best!
You're amazing. How do you know all this great information? I love it because I don't have to do all the investigating I just check out your blog!!
Of course... You are just a fountain of info all the time! So happy that I get to benefit from it all! I finally made time to check your tips blog out - so happy you are sharing....:) Thanks Karen! Can't wait to check out BLURB - I am all over it! Loves.
I'm so excited... I'm totally going to make a book out of my blog!!! Thanks for the info :)
I have been looking for something like this! THanks for sharing!
Thanks everyone for leaving comments. I am glad you are as excited about Blurb as I am!
I can't believe how excited I am about this post! I have been asking around to try to find out about this! How are you going to publish yours? Yearly? Every six months?
I made one for my Husband and the grandparents for Christmas. It really is fun but took me about 160 hours for 1 book. Addison loves having a book about herself and you can sell them on the blurb web site so your family and friends can buy one if they would like. The problem with uploading your blog directly is that the images are not very high quality. I like larger pictures so I had to re-create my blog completely. I have 2 more in the works right now so I must have thought it was worth it.
Thanks for your input, Nicole. What would you recommend to have high quality pictures so we don't have to recreate our blogs to make a book? Is there a way to do that?
One more question, Nicole. Is there a timeline to make a book, or can you just work on it over time? That way maybe it wouldn't be such a daunting task if I could do it a piece at a time over a few months. What do you think?
I have been trying to find a way to print my blog to in a cute way and keep it as my journal so thank you so much for the information!
I am sure there is a better way to do a blog book, but I finally just copied and pasted my blog exerpts into my book and uploaded my origional photos. I also found that it works much better to use the unedited version of your pictures,(you can do red eye and stuff but not size) it gives you more flexability on the page. You upload the program onto your computer so there isn't a time line but don't underestimate proofing time. I think I would have ordered 1 book and then ordered the rest if I would have had more time. It turned out really well but I found a couple problems and ended up changing some text and font size after I got it. It is still a big job but definately a fun hobbie!
You can look at my blog I have a picture of the book and an address where you can look at the preview in the top right corner.
So excited about this one!
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